Tuesday, January 13, 2015

In the Kitchen

I have this obsession with mason jars... I know its a problem but I just really can't find a good stopping point with collecting more. I love to find a sweet deal on them, and better yet be given a box! After canning over 500 jars this year of different things, I just don't know how many I will need... you know?? I have them tucked away in every corner, cabinet, hiding place and boxes in the attic, plus they are on shelves all around the house holding things or just hanging out looking pretty! I have a small collection of the antique blue ones, and I also have the anniversary collection, blue and green ones- but now look what they have gone and done! A new color! ohhh.... ahhh...

I hit a double with with our cost effective meal last night!  Poor man's supper never tasted so good! White beans and cornbread, and wild duck! I didn't think that white beans would be a meal I wanted on the menu much but with the grilled, bacon wrapped, cream cheese and jalapeno stuffed wild duck... Really need I say more? To top it off I found this tasty cornbread recipe on Pintrest from This Gal Cooks. It was a big hit!  

Yummy Recipe Here

As far as the rest of the week goes.... well-

Tomorrow: Loaded Baked Potato (I cook for the youth at church!)
Thursday: Spaghetti & Salad
Friday: L/O
Saturday: L/O

Ok. that's as far as I got.... I have to work my part time job Friday & Saturday so I'll have to think twice as hard to have a meal ready the hub's can heat.
Whats your favorite meal to leave the husband in charge of?? 

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