Starting the New Year
seems like a good time to start new things. Like better record keeping. This
shoe box full or receipts just makes for more work at the year end farm finance
meeting.... ugh. That doesn't need anything to make it more exciting! I've been
working on a couple spread sheets to better organize things. It's still a work
in progress but I think I'm going to test it out with all the info from 2014 I
have piled in a note book style calendar. I can't give any fancy figures for
last year, but hopefully this year, I will be able to!
A few things I want to
really work on this year are:
Reading my entire
Life on farm, with
kids and a husband is ridiculously busy & chaotic, but foremost I have to
put my Savior. Building a better relationship with Christ starts from reading
my Bible daily. So this year I want to challenge myself to read the WHOLE
Bible. I know it might be a challenge; honestly I can't even sit down a write
about all the chaos once a week!
Meal Plan
I love to cook, but
sometimes I get so busy I can't do anything until my kids
start complaining or my own stomach starts growling! I want to figure
out a better system to plan out meals that are healthy! Some way to keep
up with what I've cooked what meals pair well for the week, etc... This is
also going to be an important part of my thing, hopefully reducing the grocery
Reducing Debt
Because who really
wants debt?? I know sometimes it can't be helped! This year, I really want to
focus on paying down our house. This means I'm going to have to cut back on all
my expenses. Deciding if it's a need or a want. I'm an "on-the-go" mom;
I like to get out- shop for deals, eat out, and burn too much gas! If I'm not
on the go it’s because between hardware store visits I'm working on some
projects. I may go into more details later, because I could talk forever about
how I know I need to save more and spend less.... but talking is one thing.
Record Keeping
So, like I said above,
end of year farm finance meeting.... blah. Besides finance my records are just
jumbled all over my calendar. It would be so much easier if it was all but into
a nice spread sheet. This is what I have worked on the last three days. Rabbit
records, goat records, cow records, dairy yields, egg yields, garden yields... OK you
get the idea. I'm pretty good at this for a week, and then it goes down the
drain from there. So I really want to do a better job this year.
Improving Our Homestead
Besides record
keeping, I want to work this year and improve the functionality of our farm. I
want to be able to create a mission statement of what we want to accomplish and
stand for. How we plan to accomplish all this and where we would like to be in
five years.
So my husband pointed
out that on several occasions I have these bright ideas, and
the meal plans last about two weeks, budgets get shot in the foot with the
first unexpected flat, my record keeping normally makes it till March, SOOOO sorry
I get busy hun! I guess we
will see what happens this year!!
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